Thursday, April 14, 2011

Family Wednesday: What's For Lunch?

I remember as a child, the cafeteria was the Wall Street of food. Kids would bring lunches from home. Your lunch would determine your status in the lunchroom; any cupcakes or Twinkies you were considered first class and cookies middle class. No sweet was disappointing or turned away.

Having a character lunchbox was a plus too! Choosing a lunchbox highlighting your favorites shows, cartoons, characters and having the same as your friends was so COOL!!! Taking a lunch to school also set the mood for later when you got home.  Your feelings toward your parents depended on your lunch status for the day. Winter days included soup in the matching lunchbox thermos. Chicken noodles and tomato soups were my favorite...and don't forget the crackers! I remembered a time when we went outside and played; we didn't sit in the house in front of the TV or a video game.
Moving on to we are having a huge FOOD FIGHT!!! Today we are dealing with food allergies, food nutrient and special diets (no pork, red meat and vegan). Some schools are sounding off on what your child can or cannot eat; taking the pop machines out of the school, no white flour, no sugar, no processed food or fast food.

So next time you pack your child lunch, add more fruits and vegetables. Give them flavored water and make their sandwiches on whole grain bread.

The school systems wants to give our children healthy choices, but they want to take away gym, health classes and recess. With this being done, teachers and staff must eat healthy lunches to show the students they believe in this method; no soda, no fast food nor takeout food for them.

Parents, fight for your kids’right on what they can eat.


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