Monday, June 28, 2010

BET Awards Red Carpet

I didn't watch the BET Awards last night. I'm sure they will be playing it all week on BET. I did watch the highlights...Patti LaBelle kicking off her shoes for Prince's tribute performance (I'm sure he will be adding those to his closet...I heart Prince!) and Chris Brown's tears while the spirit of Michael Jackson possessed his body. Here are some looks on the red carpet that caught my eye.

Okay...Jermaine... WOW... today on Tom Joyner's radio show, Huggy LowDown said he looked like a bird from the BP oil spill.  I almost wrecked laughing so hard. I know the 80's are coming back, but using pre-con gel and a box...REALLY?!? His sides are so smooth...he used a boar bristle brush, toothbrush, wig brush, brush fire...

Jenna Frederique's tribute to Madonna was very cute. It was simplistic but still bold. I don't like the shoes though. I would have paired the outfit with black shoes...definately sans bows!

Brandy's dress reminded me of Gone With The Wind, it looked like someone took old drapery and tried to weave a masterpiece.

Kim Coles is my gurl...I think she is truly a diva in her own right! I love the dress...but I don't know if it is an award show dress. It is so casual.

I love Taraji, she is always so classy, and this silver Mandalay dress proves it!! She is my red carpet mom.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Beach Blanket Bingo

So I just returned from Cabo San Lucas, Mexico a couple of weeks ago. It was one of the best times I've had in my life. I suggest that everyone puts Cabo on their bucket list immediately.

I'm very proud of myself because I don't swim, and I got in a pool...YAY! (and I stood close to the ocean...not as close as my friends, but a big wave came and it almost took me down. Needless to say, I was freaked out. It also freaked out the little Mexican woman that was trying to sell me jewelry. Yeah...if I'm going down, you're going down too.) I haven't been in a pool since I was out of high school, 14 years ago but who's counting. One reason I haven't been in a pool is I never learned how to swim. My first high school didn't have a pool, so swimming was never required. The other reason I haven't been in a pool is my fear of swimsuits. My stomach is too big, my arms are flabby and when I walk my legs jiggle. No matter how comfortable you are in your body, every woman cringes at the sight of a swimsuit.

It is HOT as Hades outside, so people are running toward the pools. Here is a few cute suggestions that will get your mind off your flaws and focused on soaking up sunshine. (Remember people...use sunscreen!) (This is one of the swimsuits I got for Mexico.)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I Heart Vintage...

It is such a dreary rainy day here in Indianapolis. This weather makes me sleepy...I could be sleepy because of the four hours of sleep I got last night. So to keep me awake at work, I am doing internet window shopping. Window shopping because I'm broke...still catching up from Mexico!

I love vintage gear, but it is hard to find vintage in plus sizes. Chic Star and designer Qristyl Frazier has some pieces that delightful. The pieces remind me of trend setters of the past, Lena Horne, Mae West and Eartha Kitt. Take a stroll with me while I internet shop...

Lena Horne

Audrey Hepburn

Mae West

Coming soon to

Eartha Kitt

Qristyl Frazier Designs at

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Easy Breezy Beautiful Other Brands?

(From Cover Girl Website)

Those who know me know that I LOVE makeup. I love trying new things and and new products. Unfortunately, makeup can be very expensive. So who knew that Cover Girl has a place on their website that allows you to "match your department store shade for less".

Bobbi Brown, MAC and Sephora are just a few brands that Cover Girl list swaps for. Once you choose the brand that you are looking for, choose the category you are looking for (foundation, eyeshadow, etc), then pick the product and/or shade. Cover Girl lets you know what they have that is similar to the expensive department store product that you love.

I encourage all you makeup fiends to check out the website and play with it. There are a lot of options but it still missing some name brands. (I wish they could match Avon or Mary Kay!) But it is a great start for people who want to look their best at an inexpensive price.

Go to Cover Girl's website for more details.
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